Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (484) 416-0583

  • NOTICE: All services are currently virtual at this time.

    Therapy for Eating Disorders, Trauma and Anxiety

    Welcome to Willow Therapy & Wellness where hope is real, and recovery is possible. If you’re ready to let go of limiting beliefs and behaviors that are no longer serving you, you’re in the right place. You are not broken- you are bendable. Hurts and struggles are going to shape who we are, but you get to decide what that looks like. It’s time to start believing YOU CAN live the life you want, no matter how hard you’ve been knocked down. Let’s go get it!

    “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.”

    ― Maya Angelou

    Let's connect online and get started!

    About Elyse Williams

    “I believe that with some courage, commitment, and hope, we can do great things. I am passionate about helping my clients realize their worth and how strong and resilient they really are. I understand that what is hurting you may also be protecting you, and that letting go is no easy feat. I’m here though, to hold your hand, cheer you on, and remind you that you can do this.”